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Rethinking Ecology - The Blog

New perspective paper: The potential of using drones for precision pest control of possums

Stéphane Boyer

This new perspective paper by Morley et al. (2017) investigates the potential advantage that drones can bring in the fight against invasive predators (in particular possums) in New Zealand.

According to the authors, drones can be very useful to reach remote and difficult to reach terrains that are widespread in New Zealand. Drones can also detect pockets of surviving populations after big scale poisoning operations.

New Zealand has engaged in the ambitious project to become predator-free by 2050 - that is 'mammalian predators' which are all introduced species. To reach this goal, the last possum needs to be found and killed. Drones may have a role to play in achieving this.

Morley CG, Broadley J, Hartley R, Herries D, McMorran D, McLean IG (2017) The potential of using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for precision pest control of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Rethinking Ecology 2: 27-39.

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